"Love is not enough. It must be intelligent love"
I used to think that Dina (Ákos, K. and Àkos, M. 1991) was the most useful book I could recommend to parents of a disabled child so they could get a good understanding of conductive upbringing and conductive pedagogy, but now I have begun to recommend a second one.
At first I thought that Dr Hári’s book would probably only be useful to conductors, or maybe to other professionals, who already had some idea of the subjects covered here, but now I believe that it could be also useful to parents, especially those who do not have access to Conductive Education in a group setting, or whose children attend schools or groups where only "elements of conductive education" are on offer. Through reading this book they can learn about conductors and their training, the formation and dynamics of groups, daily routines and all aspects essential to a conductive upbringing.
Each time that I delve into these collected papers of Dr Hári many familiar phrases leap out from the pages and make me consider that maybe, if parents knew this or that, they would then be able to visualise the system that they wish to use to bring up their child.
While reading further I wonder whether this book is not also full of information for non-conductors working in the field, which would perhaps lead to an improved understanding between colleagues.
Dr Hári always did have a way of saying things which made me exclaim during my student days "Oh, yes it is actually so simple, really it is common sense".
Of course it was never that easy, but she did have a way of bringing ideas together so that conductive pedagogy was understandable to us at last, and she does the same in many of the papers in this collection.
There are many points in the different papers which would help parents to understand that Conductive Education is not a therapy to which a child is sent, but it is a life style that they can choose to follow for many years to come, that they too must learn. By reading on past the facts and figures, andould exclaim" Oh! Yes now I understand ", just as I did in the early 1990s in Budapest.
It is also possible to use this little book as a dictionary. as the index is full of words that one comes across in almost everything that there is to read about Conductive Education, and for which a definition in context would often be welcome. Words such as "spontaneity", "orthofunction", "tasks", "observation", "facilitation", "attention" and "activity". These are words and phrases commonly used only in the "conductive language" and therefore sometimes difficult to define. Look them up in the index and there will be several references to them in the book. and explanations to be found.
There are a couple of sentences in the introductory pages that always make me smile when I read them as they describe Mária Hári well and tell of how she presented Conductive Education to her audience with all her heart and soul.
"She would lace her account with anecdotes and asides, and could let these lead her argument into new and unexpected turns."
This was exactly how she was and as a student it was very beneficial if you knew about it as you could use it to your advantage. You could so easily lead her on to subjects where you had a greater knowledge and steer her away from a subject in which you were faltering.
"She liked to interact with her visual materials, film, sequences of still photos and overhead projections and in the privacy of the student lecture room she would readily leap on to the table, 'making the gymnastic' and using her own body to illustrate the point"
Yes, she really did do this I have seen her in action! She made conductive pedagogy come alive as indeed she does in this collection of her papers and texts.
It is well worth a read!
"Love is not enough. It must be intelligent love"
Dina by Ákos, K. and Àkos, M. 1991, Birmingham and Ulm: Foundation for Conductive Education and Alabanda–Verlag.
Mária Hári on Conductive Pedagogy, edited by Gillian Maguire and Andrew Sutton., 2004 Foundation of Conductive Education
ISBN 1-897588-24-0
available from Gill Maguire at http://ce-library.blogspot.com/
I absolutly agree with you. This book is fantastic!
Big hug,
So do I. I would recomend to anybody to learn some enthusiasm and persistence from it.
Anyway Susie, the title of the other book we chat about in Nurnberg is Memoirs of the beginnings of Conductive Pedagogy and András Pető
Laci Szögeczki
Hi Susie, I have a copy of "Dina" and after my first read; I realized I had to keep going back to it as a guide. You're right in saying that it seems to be the only thing to keep people going sometimes. After all, isn't that how and why it was written?
I am grateful to see you point out another book in the same regard. That, for me, automatically means that I must pick up a copy. Thanks! Will you ever be coming to Vancouver, soon? Please?
Thank you for all the positive comments. It is nice to hear from all the fellow bloggers.
Laci, I will do a bit on the book you mentioned at a later date.
I had a copy given to me by the owner of LITEA my favourite bookshop and tearooms in the Vár, Budapest,they hosted the launching of it.
Leticia, sorry I have been out of touch recenty, I am slowly getting back on course, thanks for big hug much appreciated!
James, send me a mail and we can discuss your question. You never know the answer could quite possibly be yes, soon.
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