Saturday 18 October 2008

Anniversary Congress in Munich, 24th-25th October 2008

Next weekend is the Jubiliumskongress Konduktive Förderung, it is probably still not too late to register at

There will be presentations by conductors, therapists involved in Conductive Education, parents and users of Conductive Education, doctors and, maybe the most interesting, Dr. F. Schaffhauser, the Director of the Petö Institute, Budapest will be talking about the Petö Institute’s present role in Europe.

More detailed information can be found on the website of the association for conductors working in Germany:

I have a special, personal interest at the congress. I am not making a presentation myself but one of my adult clients is. He is a school teacher, he has multiple sclerosis and it is a long time since he stood up in front of a group of people to speak.

Is very important that at last we have adult Conductive Education represented at a conductors' congress in Germany (the last time I think was in 2000, when I did it myself) but even more important is the “conductive” route that my client has taken, that led him to where he is today and definitely contributed in giving him the ability to do this presentation.

This will be his next step, a huge step in his conductive rehabilitation (upbringing). It will be not only what he says or how long he speaks that will be important, it will be the fact that he is there at all. I have already witnessed the positive developments in my client during the preparations for this day, especially the improvements in the clarity of his thoughts and the fluency of his speech, and I look forward to seeing him developing further over the weekend when he gets to interact with a large group of people.

I am keeping a low profile, answering a few questions now and then and prepared to help how and when I can. He knows that I will be there listening, probably on the front row, supporting and wishing him well, but for me he already has great success, his success lies in his accepting the invitation in the first place and in his actually being there. I am already looking forward to the next stages of conductive rehabilitation, his future presentations, his steps back into the world of teaching and learning.


This Jubiläumskongress has been organised by the Verband der in Deutschland tätigen Konduktor/Innen e.V. to mark the tenth year since the founding of the association.

It is hoped that this congress will awake renewed interest in Conductve Education in Germany, at a time when many of the small centres offering conductive "sessions" are finding it very difficult to find clients for their groups

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