Monday 9 March 2009

Beth Brydon

"Arbuthnot" , by Susie Mallett 1981

Another NICE angel

I had just finishing writing the last blog, telling about the "feel good times" for my client, his family and myself and this article below cropped up. I was going to give you the link but I decided to save you the time of clicking and waiting for yet another window to open and to share the wonderful story in its entirety on my blog. It was nice to visualise both Beth and I with our "boys" and their families, having fun and making strides into new territory.

Here it is, enjoy it...

...especially the sentence that I have highlighted, nearly at the end!

Conductive Education® has been offered in Halifax since 2006, allowing Halifax children and adults with disabilities to improve their mobility and self-confidence. Shannon Bower, whose seven-year-old son Justin is a participant in the program sent an e-mail to Conductor Beth Brydon, expressing her joy over the remarkable strides her son has made since beginning the program.

In her own words…

Hi Beth,

There is probably no one on Earth that is receiving more praise than you are right now. You are AMAZING!

I've just been sitting here trying to put into words how to thank you and I just can't come up with anything that is even close to being appropriate.

What you have done for our son in just two short weeks is nothing short of miraculous. I'm still in shock that you have been able to transform him this much! You are what we have been looking for since Justin was diagnosed almost seven years ago. I'm not very religious, but I thank God for you!

This picture literally brings tears to my eyes. Justin was so proud to be CARRYING something by HIMSELF while WALKING for the first time. In just two weeks he has gone from not wanting to use his crutches at all to using just ONE!!! We are so proud of him and so excited at his potential! Conductive Education therapy has definitely been worth it!! You have definitely proved that Conductive Ed is worth the investment!

We just can't believe the difference with this past session. I well up just thinking about how my SEVEN year old son hasn't crawled in days. I can't begin to describe what a big deal that is in our house! We just wish we had heard about you years ago!!

EVERYONE should know about this opportunity and the program you have running in Nova Scotia. You are what we have been looking for these past 7 years. I can't believe that we happened upon you by chance! You are so wonderful. You are professional, friendly and perfect at balancing praise and direction with Justin. I could literally spend all day saying wonderful things about you. I have heard that everyone has an angel... guess you are ours for Justin.

I was very impressed with your professionalism and have confidence in your work.

Thank you again for the difference your program has made in our lives ALREADY! We are excited at the possibilities for ongoing sessions!!


Shannon Bower


Link to story -

1 comment:

  1. We need to hear more of these stories to record the success of each individual receiving Conductive Education. What a Conductor and what a gift to this family!
    Blessing and love, Judit
