Wednesday 22 April 2009

Parkinson's activist

"Say Cheese", by Susie Mallett , 1984

Michael J. Fox

Michael J. Fox, actor and Parkinson’s activist, has written a new memoir, “Always Looking Up, the adventures of an incurable optimist”.

His first memoir, "Lucky Man", is an interesting read and provides an insight into the early days, pre- and post-diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. He writes about the first symptoms, of his fears, disappointments and hopes, and about learning how not to worry about a disease over which he has no control.

I have yet to have a copy of the new memoir in my hands but I am hoping that I will learn as much from this one as I did from his first. It will soon join my ever-growing collection of books by authors who experience disability first hand. It is from these accounts, and also from anecdotes direct from the mouths of my clients, that I have learn so much that is useful to me in my work.

Michael J. Fox can be heard answering questions from Time readers on this website:
He talks about a new film that he has recently stared in, called "Rescue Me", in which he plays a paraplegic. I imagine that it was quite an challenge for an actor suffering from Parkinson's disease to play the role of someone who cannot move!


Lucky Man – Michael J. Fox, Ebury Press 2003, ISBN-10: 0091885671, ISBN-13:978-0091885670

Always Looking Up – Michael J. Fox, Ebury Press 2009, ISBN-10 009192264X, ISBN-13: 9780091922641

Rescue Me – if you wait for just a few seconds for the adverts to finish, you can hear Michael J. Fox talking about his life.

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