Sunday 17 May 2009

Not alone for long

Hesperiden Gardens and Johannis Cemetery, May 2009

Sharing bits in-between for conductors

Fresh air

Just what the doctor always orders, it works wonders. And what wonders there are still to be discovered in St. Johannis, the area of the city where I live.

Today I took a walk around the Hesperiden Gardens, which were reconstructed in the 1980s.

In the 16th and 17th Centuries the Hesperiden gardens were part of the gardens of the Patriziers, the local wealthy business men. Seen as a status symbol of the blossoming culture of the city of Nürnberg they were decorated with many Barock statues and fountains and planted with citrus fruits.

The name is taken from the gardens in Greek mythology, where the daughters of Hesperos were given the job of guarding the Golden Apples, which were non-the-less stolen by Heracles. In English we call these the Hesperides.

It is nice to see that the lemon trees are blooming in the gardens again. After taking a walk and photographing the beautiful pathways, trees and statues I made my way to the Kaffestube, a tiny courtyard where I could drink coffee and cake in the last rays of the sun.


I sat alone at a table for six but alone I remained for only a few seconds. As soon as my apple cake arrived so did several very friendly sparrows. They stole crumbs, actually I think they would have attempted to remove the whole cake if I had allowed them. One or two of braver characters ate from my hand.

As I was unsuccessfully guarding my apple cake, just as the daughters of Hesperos had failed in guarding their apples, a man sitting opposite photographed me. I am waiting for the photo to arrive by email!


There was an interesting arrangement at this café. It closes at 6 p.m. and reopens immediately as a restaurant for the rest of the evening, owned by different people.


Now that could be a business arrangement that could become widespread in the future.

Here we are already beginning along a similar path of cost-sharing by sharing our conductive rooms, when not in use, with the neighbouring kindergarten, which needs a bit of extra space, especially on rainy days.

Lets just hope that it doesn't lead to job sharing!

After the sparrows had finished off my cake I began to make my way back home but changed my mind and walked back towards the Johannis Cemetery, just next door to the coffee house.

I have walked past the cemetery many times, I even considered moving into a flat that overlooks it, but I had never been inside. I hadn’t realised how enormous it is. There are rows and rows of horizontal grave stones, all covered in spring flower arrangements. There are many famous Nürnberger Burgers (folk) buried there.

It is beautiful.

More nice bits in-between for conductors! I will certainly be visiting both these places again.


Hesperiden Gardens

Patrizier -

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