Thursday 30 July 2009

Second Alma Mata

Sometime between 1989 and 1993, Budapest

Better late than never

Even though it is now too late for me to re-organise my work to attend the second Alma Mata gathering in Budapest, to be held on Friday 28th of August, it is nice at last to have received the information, even this late in the day!

I, along with a few of my colleagues, seem to have been left off the Petö Institute’s mailing list this time around. Luckily the Association for Conductors Working in Germany is on the ball and has passed the information to all of its conductor members.

What's on the menu?

The Alma Mata programme is preceded by what is called the Conductor’s Summer Academy (KO.NY.AK.) programme.

There will be a presentation about new horizons in inclusion. Dr Schaffhauser will give a talk about logotherapy, entitled “There is always reason/meaning: pearls from logotherapy’s development and practice”. This will be followed by “Living with movement deficiencies, dance and art therapy”.

Then at 12.30, apparently there will be some sort of a surprise before the close of the Academy's programme. I can’t wait to hear what that turns out to be. We shall be relying on you, Laci, to find out!

The first half of the day takes place at the Petö Institute's premises in Kütvölgyi út. At 13.00 there will be a nostalgic tram journey down the hill for lunch at the Villányi út premises. It is here that the conductors' meeting proper will take place, with reports from the past five years, and photo presentations and films to watch.

And of course there will be the 2009 photo call.

Breezy Balaton

As I said, unfortunately I will have to give the whole thing a miss, which means missing out on a much longed-for visit to my second home from home.

Budapest, however, will always be there and it is actually a bit too hot for me in that big city in August. Apart from that all my friends will be at Lake Balaton for the last weekend before everything there shuts down. Summer seems to end at Balaton when school begins for the autumn term.

Apart from this there is only a very limited programme on at the Opera House and concert halls in Budapest at this time of the year, making summer not the best time really to make a visit.

More information

There is still time to register for the Alma Mata. More information can be found at:

Or directly from:

I have printed the Hungarian programme below, the gist of which I hope, I have given above.
If anyone wants to know more about this, please ask.

(Konduktorok nyári akadémiája)
2009. augusztus 28. péntek

KO.NY.AK. Program
Budapest, XII. Kútvölgyi út 6.

10.00-10.15 Megnyitó -
Dr. Schaffhauser Franz, rektor

10.15-11.00 - Új horizontok az együttnevelésben -
Előadó: Kőpatakyné Mészáros Mária

11.00-11.45 -
Mindig van értelme (Gyöngyszemek a logoterápia elméletéből és gyakorlatából) -
Dr. Schaffhauser Franz

11.45-12.30 - Fogyatékkal élők mozgás-, tánc- és művészetterápiája -
Kővári Henrietta

12.30-12.45 - Meglepetés

12.45-13.00 -
KONYAK zárása - Nosztalgia villamossal utazás a Villányi útra

ALMA MATER program
Budapest, XI. Villányi út 67.

14.00-15.00 –

15.00-16.45 -
Megemlékezés, Ez történt velünk 2004 óta
Az Alma Mater Egyesület megalakítása
Fotókiállítás, Filmvetítés, Fényképezés évfolyamonkén -
Feketéné Dr.Szabó Éva, Horváth Dezsőné Dr., Dr. Túri Ibolya

16.45–17.00 -
II. Pető Alma Mater találkozó bezárása -
Dr. Schaffhauser Franz, rektor

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