Wednesday 19 August 2009

Back on the map in Bavaria?

" 13.00 hours"

The world at one

It is with thanks to old friend and colleague Wolfgang Vogt and to Fortschritt Würzburg e.V., of which Wolfgang is the Chairman, that all interested parties here in Germany are working out how to get close to a TV tomorrow lunchtime.

Wolfgang will be heard talking on a report filmed today in Würzburg. at the summer-camp that is taking place at the after-school conductive centre (Tägesstätte). The report is to be screened on ARD's lunchtime magazine between 13.00 and 14.00 on Thursday August 20th.

I have been bombarded with emails from right, left and centre this evening, telling me about it, and I have just booked a front-row seat. I and many others are looking forward to it. I am curious about what I shall be watching and what I shall hear. I hope above all that this report can help to put conductive pedagogy, Konduktive Förderung or Conductive Upbringing back on to the public map in my part of the world.

I hope also that it will be a good re-introduction, a rewakening to conductive pedagogy that will catch people's attention and perhaps entice a few of them to sign up for the Conductive Conference in Nürnberg this Autumn.

I sent the email that I received this evening on to anyone on my email list who I thought might be interested. I see that over on the "other channel" Andrew Sutton and Conductive World pipped me to the post!

I was actually on the phone when I should have been posting my own. I was helping a mother who had phoned out of the blue, to try to solve a conductive problem. This family had set out along the conductive path many years ago in Hamburg, with Wolfgang Vogt!

This evening it has again proved to be a very small conductive world. Let us see how this world will be presented tomorrow by Wolfgang, a man with a conductive soul, and by ARD. Maybe our world will be expanding at last.

If technology lives up to expectations, you should be able to click on the link below to see and hear the programme live. There is a list of programmes on the left of the screen and a video screen on the right.

So, everyone, see you from all over the world, at one.

1 comment:

  1. I certainly made a mess of that!

    I do sometimes try to be a European, honest, but this lunchtime I quire forgot, until 1232 (English time, of course!).

    I followed Susie’s link and found the live broadcast without problem, and at 1236 (English time, of course!) I thought that I was being undeservedly lucky.

    A film report came on, set in a lavish- and clean-looking clinical facility. On cue, on came a professor in a white coat, who then had a young man demonstrate a complex electro-mechanical device to do something for his walking. Then after there minutes that was that. I stuck with the rest of the programme right to the weather forecast at its close. But no CE. I presume that I missed it beore 1232 (English time).

    What did I learn? Nothing really that I did not know already.

    I learned that I should be more sensitive to time zones. I was reminded that people interviewed on German TV, even German day time TV) are far more serious and wordy than they ever could be in the English-speaking counties. I have seen this demonstrated in much more implausible contexts that this on hotel televisions across Central and Eastern Europe, so it came as no surprise that even the young man in the apparatus had such a say. And I saw that they were getting far better weather than we were experiencing in England today. Nothing new there, then.

    What I did not learn was anything about CE!

    Did it live up to the excited anticipation? Can anyone fill me in?

