Thursday 27 August 2009

More bits-in-between for two conductors


" Railway buildings"

" The Cathedral"

"My breakfast"
At the weekend I found myself just half-an-hour away from the city where my lovely friend and colleague lives with her family. Just a fifty-minute bus-trip away and ninety-minutes by train.
My lovely friend happens to find herself in hospital so I just had to go to visit her. It was time anyway for some conductor’s bits-in-between and here were two of us who could do with a fix of conductors' fun!

Although I was a bit out in the sticks, with public transport not running very frequently, I had a choice of train or bus. The train would have been first choice as I love the movement of the train and the smell of the engine, and the atmosphere and architecture of the railway stations. But this time I choose the bus, even though their throbbing engines and awful smell often make me sick, not really my idea of a jolly journey but the railway station is a bit awkward to reach without a car.

With the bus journey only fifty minutes no harm was done to my health when travelling in either direction.

I have been to the town of Paderborn several times but never alone and had therefore never got to grips with the layout of the place.

There was always a Fest of some kind taking place meaning streets full of stalls and people instead of cars.

On this visit I was alone so I could really get to know it. I love the white and grey buildings that predominate in this part of North Germany. A lot of slate is used, not only for the roof of the buildings but also to decorate the walls. This makes a change from the flat, plastered walls of the houses down South where I live.

I window-shopped, breakfasted at the cathedral café and watched the activity on the bustling market-place over coffee, before making my way up the lime-tree avenue to an afternoon of delightful entertainment with my friend and her family at the hospital.

Thank you so much for saving up all that energy, so we could put the conductive world to rights, play with your son, laugh a lot and relax.


In the lift at the hospital there was a wonderful poster advertising the Klinik-clowns who apparently visit every Wednesday morning.

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