Saturday 1 August 2009

Music on the streets

Nik and Murray, Wales, Christmas 1979, by Susie Mallett

It is that time of year again. Its the "Music in the streets of Nürnberg" time. It hasn’t rained yet this weekend, so fingers crossed for one more day.

Last night, sitting with a couple of friends and a glass of red wine I listened outside and from inside the St. Sebaldus church to Susie Böhm and her band. She was extremely good. She is an American based in Nürnberg with her family.

Today I will be giving the Bardentreffen a miss as it is the fiftieth birthday of a friend of mine. We will be celebrating together with about forty other guest in her back garden. I am on decorating-the-marquee duty, which will include hanging up all the birthday flags and banners that I brought for her from England.

Sunday will see me back in the city, hanging around on street corners listening to the invited bands and also to the buskers.

Some of the buskers are so good that they often get invited back the following year as paid performers.

Fuller report tomorrow!


I will have my sketch book in my pocket over the next few days as my camera has broken.

This will do me good as I will need to start seeing things through my own eyes again instead of through the lens of my camera, and I can practise drawing the spaces in between.


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