Sunday 29 November 2009

A touch of India

For some time I have been getting dots on my map from India. Today there was one from somewhere that looked so interesting that I decided to do a bit of Google exploration.

My dot came from the capital of Gujarat: Gandhinagar.

When I googled Gandhinagar together with Conductive Education I found “A touch of Heroism”. This is a web-page from India from the Godrej House Magazine’s site, featuring an article on the Spastic Society of India.

This title of the article is an amazing coincidence in light of what I wrote about in my last posting.

Maybe this was fated.

Anyway, it was lovely to “meet” the people of Gandhinagar and I really do hope that they will get in touch directly so we can get to know each other better.

My email address is


Gandhinagar –

A Touch of Heroism –

Thinking about our heroes -

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