Friday 7 May 2010

The morning after the day before

"Work to be done!"

I got up early so I had time to read enough of Times-Online to form an idea of what happened in the homeland last night. It appears that chaos abounds! This time not chaos for me in my own private, junior-school world but for the whole country.

My only clear thought at the moment is on the subject of voters being turned away. When a country votes on a Sunday every classroom in the school can be used and many more people are willing and able to voluteer an hour or two of their time to be on duty at the polling stations.

What's more most people have the day off and really do have all the time in the world to vote.

As for the rest, I have no time to even think about it now. Just as it does for most people back in UK, daily life goes on as normal. I have to jump on my bike in the very cold, seven-degrees-celcius, biting wind and the pouring rain, as there is conductor's work waiting to be done.

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