Tuesday 10 August 2010

The last rays of the evening sun

"August evening", by Susie Mallett

A breath of fresh air

I went for a five-kilometre walk in the last hour of daylight, after a busy day of conductive upbringing.

It was a bit chilly but it was lovely to see the sun again after days of cold, wet rain.

It was also lovely to have my head to myself again after some difficult hours of conduction. Sometimes I wish that I could stop thinking. I find it sometimes so tiring, especially when it is taking place in two or three languages but, even as I walked in the evening sun, I did not stop. I was composing a posting and a letter, planning tomorrow’s two family sessions, and thinking about the reports that I should read before sleep.

As you can see, despite the never-ending thoughts I still had my camera at hand and was appreciating the arty side of life too.

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