Sunday 9 January 2011

Another believer in conduction

"Cross-country skiing, this has been the best mode of transpart for many weeks"
December 30th 2010

A blog that I take a look at now and then has just posted a positive account about a family's experiences in a conductive group that they have joined in Halifax, Canada:

I am not sure yet iwhether this is a believer in conductive upbringing or conductive education but I look forward to reading more and perhaps finding out.

A small world

I first discovered “About the small stuff” through Janet Lee Harold’s paintings:

I have written about Janet Harrold a couple of times on my own blog, more recently because we have been communicating regarding her young grandchild who has a motor disorder.

The author-mum of the “About the small stuff” blog says in the most recent posting about the conductive work that they have been doing in Halifax, that she will be guesting on Janet’s blog: “explaining more about CE, the centre that we use and other details”.

It will be interesting to read what the mum writes and, because Janet is very active on other sites informing us about disability, the article will most probably reach a wide audience.

I am not sure about it being small stuff but it is certainly a small world getting even smaller by the day.

I expect that is upbringing

I think that once again it is Beth Brydon in Halifax who is getting such glowing reports from her clients. Well done, Beth and Co. (I think you now have a new colleague).

Upbringing on my other site

I have a second blog, Susie Mallett’s Conductive Upbringing, that I set up with the hope that guests would write to me about their own experiences or ideas about upbringing, conductive or otherwise. Until now I have only had one guest-writer, the rest of the postings I have written myself.

I still hope that the site will soon be used to post guest-writer’s stories, reports, ideas etc., on upbringing, conductive or whatever, other and not just be my second blog:

New School with funding

While I am at it this morning, I will mention just one more site that I have found:

This school has opened in Maryland, there was report in its local community-newspaper recently:

Still I read the “Oh, dear” bits hidden between the lines, about "alternative pathways", but even so it is still good to hear that a school funded locally for local children and one that is at its very early stages, is already looking to see how it can provide services for adults.

Now I am off to put the carefully rolled chimney pots on my railway building, spray varnish it then re-arrange the N-gauge layout so that it fits.

Photographs later of course.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Janet Harrold pointed me towards your blog since you have mentioned my blog. It's always weird to find out "who" is actually reading!

    I think I sometimes get the terminology wrong, but I am definitely a believer in "upbringing" and not just "eduction"...I have read some interested stuff about Conductive Upbringing and really try to live that way at in and day out with our son, Ben.

    Anyways...thanks for the mention.
