Tuesday 18 January 2011

All sorts, from round the world

"I can see the sea" , Hong Kong 2010

My mail boxes, both real and virtual, were full of information when I got home this evening .

First some of the virtual news, a newsletter from March of Dimes :


Then in the real mail was snail mail from America that contained information about ACENA and the National Conductive Education Day that will be on February 24th 2011.

Acena’s Annual conference will be held in August, this year in California. Young conductors working in isolation all over America will, I am sure, be looking forward very much to linking up with their colleagues.

I hope that they are given more time in the programme to speak informally with each other than is usually available when the conductors working in Germany get together for our annual conferences.

This was also something that was lacking in Hong Kong too. There seemed to be just no time at all to meet and talk to anyone who you did not already know.

Last but not least there in my email in-box, as requested on my blog yesterday, were the photographs of the little girl whose grandmother writes to me from the US.


The photographs show the child playing with her dolly in a hammock strung up in the funny piece of furniture, as featured in a posting on her Grandma's blog and on Facebook:



Thank you for them.

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