Thursday 6 January 2011

More about Google alerts

Chinese Medicine store in Wan Chai, Hong Kong
But alerts to what?

In one of the postings that I wrote yesterday I congratulated Gábor Fellner. I had received a Google alert telling me that he had written an e-book. I noticed that Andrew Sutton had also picked up on this on his Facebook page.

Yesterday I soon realised that the link was not the official location for this " book" and that the material in question was already up on the Paces website, the link to which I put in yesterday's posting instead of the "unofficial location:

Today I received another Google alert about This is a search engine that has thousands of PDF files in its "collection". Apparently there are several about CE, which is why I receive the alerts to them.

Today's link:

This article had no name of author, so I sent it on to Andrew Sutton suspecting that he would know! From looking at the timing of his Facebook snippets I think that he was on to the rest of the story before me, probably before I was even awake! You can read about what he found out at:

Thank you

I am sorry for the misleading information on my blog, but I am not sorry that the material that Gábor has written has found its way to me. I enjoyed reading it and have sent the link on to several other people. I found it to be comprehensive and hope that it will be particularly helpful to some families that I know who are just learning about conductive living.

Google alerts and what to do with them

Well I shall read them all from now on, and read them very carefully!

I have received another today. It is a link to yet another newspaper article describing yet another family's quest to raise money to take a child for treatment abroad.

Not conductive this time, not a trip to Hungary

I have been googling "selective dorsal rhizotomy" for the past hour or so and most of the newspaper headlines I found talk about a life changing operation in America.

I have been reading about the operation, about the positives and the negatives, and about some of the families who have travelled to St Louis with their children. I have noticed in photographs and video links that some of the children have been in conductive groups before and after this operation. I found no mention here, however, of Conductive Education.

Is there anyone outthere, conductors, clients, families, who can write here on my blog about their personal experiences of a selective dorsal rhizotomy operation?

I have never met a client who is considering undergoing the operation or who has undergone it.

I hope to learn more from my readers. I look forward to hearing from you.


Some of what I have been reading this afternoon

1 comment:

  1. Funny business, this website:

    I can see no pattern is the materials that it links to. I wonder whether they are picked up by robot. But why should anyone bother to set up this collossal site? I suspect that it might be for no no more than to attract paid advertising.

    Should one care? As the site itself states, it offers no new information: it simply links to materials already on the Internet. So if some poor old stuff turns up (including actual misinformation) then the fault is that of what there is about Conductive Education on line.

    By the way, this site does offer an interesting fifty-item cross-section of what there is on line, English. What an incoherent tower of Babel.

    Along the way, though, it does bring some interesting stuff to wider attention. Maybe one can post material there for oneself, in which case perhaps there is some creative use can be made of it the site.

    And now that it has spotted Gabor's piece, then perhaps I shall get round to writing a critical review of what he has written.

    No peace for the wicked...

