Monday 14 February 2011

Prepare for a positive and happy adolescence and adulthood

English Oak
Whitlingham Broad, Norwich, by Susie Mallett
I worked for many years with a family who are all very capable sportsmen and women. The three siblings of my client were involved in training for gymnastics, cycling, football and swimming, several times a week. All family members regularly jogged, walked, skied and cycled in the surrounding hills and mountains. All of them were practising musical instruments every evening after school.

Growing up in this active family environment was perfect for my client, it gave her motivation and taught her from a very early age about achieving goals through movement, exercise and practice. She is now a twenty-one year psycholöogy student, living away from home in her own accomodation.

I have read several times recently on conductive blogs about the importance for all children of movement, exercise and practice for attaining skills, and not only in sport.

In the link that I posted yesterday a parent compared the activity of a disabled child working in a conductive group to soccer training for a non-disabled child:

Today I came across another article that links up well to the one above, featuring one of the Ausralian mums I met in the Hay Hay restaurant in Hong Kong. Her association is receiving donations from the author of a book:

"This book promises to be a fun and active guide to anyone who wants to help and assist their children or students age 6-11 and prepare them for a positive and happy adolescence and adulthood."

Sounds quite conducive to conduction to me!

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