Wednesday 6 April 2011

A Book

"An embroidery made for my Grandad in 1917"

Another one that will be lined up on my shelf of books to read:

Vera Forster -

A Daughter of Her Century is published by the Clucket Press, ISBN 9780954925680

1 comment:

  1. Too right, Susie. This book could turm out a must for anyone with serious interest in András Pető. In any event, I am am ordering my copy sight unseen in the hope that it does – and even if does not it will be a good read.

    In the early nineteen-fifties in Budapest Vera Forster (then of course Fõrster Véra) was declared persona non grata, and worked for a time in András Pető's brand new Institute in Villanyi-ut. . I met and interviewed Vera in 1997, in her peaceful home by the sea in Gosport, England, and published what she told me in The Conductor, vol. 3 nos 3-4, pp 43-48.

    From what I have read about her over the last couple of days on the Internet (and seen/heard on a Youtube video) this book follows her life through to when she finally left Hungary for a new life in the West, so I hope to strike new gold (and anyway, the social background will be essential reading).

    I should add that I also see on the Internet that only 800 copies of the book were printed and are fast running out. The literary festival site that you refe to recommends ordering direct, to help support a small independent publisher – a cause for which I have some personal sympathy as I am sure you do too! I have tried but as yet received no reply so will now rush to Amazon before news gets around further. Word of this book was out into the world of CE only on Monday evening but I cannot hang around further while stocks disappear, so I am off to Amazon, where I know that Gill Maguire has already snapped up the best bargain, but there are still two copies in excellent condition – sorry, only one, once I have put my own order in! The Internet will help find other copies in various bookshops – if you are quick.

    I shall probably have more to say on all this at a later point.

