Monday 25 April 2011

Just a thought for today

"Bavaria" March 2011

Sometimes as I watch my great-niece at play I realise how I must always remember what I have recently read on the blog of Jennifer Thayer:

As a conductor and as a great-auntie it is a joy to watch the new baby in our family as she develops. I have been thrilled by all she does since the first time I saw her when she was just three weeks old. Then she was already tracking the sound of her Dad’s voice as he moved from room to room and wrinkling her fingers and toes in delight as her mummy told her about their activities for the rest of the day.

Now as she sits on her little car and begins to discover that she has legs to stand on I am even more enthralled. I watch with eager attention to observe how she does it all and hope to get lots of tips that I can pass on to my little clients.

As I watch I can understand the joy and the pain of parents as described by Rojo’s Mum, parents who have older children with a motor disorder and younger children who do not, for whom every minute of the day is full of conflicting emotions and experiences.

1 comment:

  1. My four grand-children, each in turn, and all now at school, reminded me of the physicality of children's learning. Very special and memorable events and times.
