Friday 20 May 2011

Taking his life in his own hands

Norfolk, April 2011 by Susie Mallett

I got to know the Power Family when I first started blogging and skyping.

I am on their mailing list and am really happy to get reminders now and then to take a look at how Jesse Power is getting on. Today I got a Round-Robin letter about a Celtic Music concert that is to take place soon to raise money for this year's camp. This prompted me to take another look at what Jesse has been doing recently.

Jesse is an avid amateur photographer and uses his creative skills to make cards to raise money for his Conductive Education sessions at Ability Camp. His family have lots of other great ideas for raising money that are documented on Jesse’s blog too. There are also some reports about Jesse’s talents as a musician and as a media designer, and stories about his sporting activities.

It is quite a while since I last looked at Jesse’s blog, probably way back when he won his Hero Award. There are some interesting things to read about this determined young man and a link to a website about the college where Jesse wishes to live and study.

Congratulations to Jesse and family. It is lovely reading about all your enterprising ideas!

Take a look for yourselves; here are a few of the postings that caught my eye:

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