Saturday 21 May 2011

World MS Day

"Four generations at play"
Clockwise from 9 o'clock - Aimee, Grandma, Great-Grandad and Mum

Wednesday the 25th May is World MS day

There seem to be several activities planned in Ireland. On the right hand site of the Irish website where it says “Watch the World MS day Video - Beautiful Day”: - is a very good video. Take a minute to click on it.

I have not found any links for activiies in England for 2011 but the Germany MS Society have links and infomation available on their site:

Find out more at:

I lived for many years with a partner who has lived with MS for twenty years. I have a friend who has lived with MS for forty years and another who has lived with it for four. They live their lives to the full taking one day at a time but also making exciting plans for their futures despite not knowing how they will wake up in the morning.

All of these friends have found lifestyles that suit them and allow them to remain as healthy and as active as possible.

A conductive lifestyle helps

I have given many talks locally and advertised our conductive sessions in the local MS Support Group’s quarterly magazine, but over the past two years, since the Credit Crunch hit us, my MS groups have got smaller and smaller because my clients cannot afford to pay for the sessions.

MS often strikes young people, usually before they have even set out on a career, before they have begun to earn a living. Often before they have really thought about pensions and saving for old age. There is usually no money available to pay for conductive sessions.

Yes, we must get out there and talk about Conductive Education so that people know that it is a choice that is available to them, but it is so disheartening for my clients when they know that it does them good to attend the conductive group but to have to stop because of lack of funds.

Over the years we have been given donations for the group, and the local MS Support Group have assisted its members to fund their sessions with us. Despite this much appreciated help the long term attendance that is most beneficial to our clients is rarely possible without more funding.

But where do we find this?

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