Monday 30 May 2011

I have had a busy computering afternoon

And it was not only me who was busy. While I have been writing and rewriting a presentation that I need for next week, someone else has been busy too, computering on my behalf, doing work that I cannot do, writing in languages that I cannot speak.

Every conductor's answer to problem-solving Geek Conductor has been busy working away in one or the other of his computer languages, building me a shop where I can sell my books and more.

This is where you can see his handiwork and mine and even purchase something while you are there:

Paintings will be added as they get produced as will more in my series of books. For now only Book One is available at eight Euros and fifty cents plus postage and packaging, with negotiations for bulk purchasing always possible. Book Two still has not made it to the printers but will be there very soon. I have just heard that the Chinese version of Book One will be on the shelves soon too.

Thank you Ben, for getting the language just right.

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