Friday 1 July 2011

Tough love

Bedfordshire 1984

I just found this in my in-box, another Google-Alert. At the bottom of the article it tells me that it is filed under Conductive Education, but it is the only article, as far as I could discover, with this tag, on

Although there is no mention here of conductive work, as I started to read I thought that I was about to discover something really good, this writing seemed to hold something about my conductive work!

So I went searching for the writing that this author says heals, and more about Mr Pain’s Tough Love. I found some more here:

I found no direct mention of, or anything else filed under Conductive Education, perhaps there is more to come in the future.


  1. I am William's conductor. He is doing truly amazing; and I'm sure his father will write about their conductive ed experience soon :)

    Thank you for posting -- the internet is truly amazing!

  2. Thanks Judit R. for getting in touch. Please let me know if William's Dad posts something so I do not miss it.

  3. Hello Susie,

    Thanks so much for your interest and passing our story to your friend, Lisa in practicing Australia. My wife, Lisa Yancey, and I are truly blessed and overjoyed to be connected with Judit and the Conductive Education world. What they have done for us individually and as a family is truly remarkable. We are greatly appreciative to you and your active participation as an ambassador and positive role model for an amazing educational system.

    Billy Yancey,
    William's Dad :-)
