Monday 25 July 2011

Utopia was built in an evening

"A bits-in-between for conductors evening"

I have a favourite shop situated only six minutes walking distance from my flat, just inside the city walls. It is an antique-book shop that I frequent whenever I walk back home from the city during opening hours.

I pop in mainly because I actually have my eye on a book that is written very much in the style of the Unfug by AP, published about fifty years earlier than his. I read a few pages on each visit and I expect, and hope, that it will be there forever so I can carry on reading it. It is very expensive, at nearly two-hundred Euros far more than I can afford unless I win more than a fiver on the lottery.

On my last visit I was after something else

There was a display of tiny books in the window and one of them was all about the soul. At fifty-cents I just had to have it. As I was paying I noticed on the counter a display of tiny matchbox size boxes with eye-catching bright colours, one almost like a Gaudi building. On the outside of this one it said “Utopia”.

I realized immediately this was a model to build and I asked the shop owner what was inside. She said no one had ever bothered to try that one out as it was a couple of stages more difficult than the other examples that were on offer.

I purchased it along with my fifty-cent book and offered to send photos of the finished product, which I have just done.

I have placed my seven-inches tall Utopian building beside the door so as I enter I am reminded what I special place I live in with my favourite shop and favourite read just a stone’s throw from the front door, a café on every corner, free live music in the streets and birds for lodgers on the balcony.

What more could I ask for?




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