Thursday 17 November 2011

Having a great experience and enjoying it!

I will be back soon with lots of lovely stories to tell. I have been too busy doing them to write them down just like some of my clients too.

Here is a snippet for now:

Riding was always the treat of the week for so many of the young people that I worked with at Macintyre, Bedfordshire in the 1980s and it is the highlight of the week for lots of our littlies and for our adult clients here in Germany.

Therapy, I do not know but it is a lot of fun and enjoyment for all those involved, including the teachers.

Photo call to receive a cheque

Jolly Professor and Little Princess are off next week on another photo call to collect a cheque for our riding centre. I hope that Riding for the Disabled, UK. get lots of people helping them out with donations too.

St Martin

Laddo, up North, took on his riding job permanently last Friday when he became his village’s St Martin. HE was seen on 11.11.2011 riding his stead through the village with the band and children with lanterns following him. It is a job that he might quite possible keep for the next fifty years just as his predecessor did. Uncle Karl Otto, as all the children call him, handed the reins over last year to Laddo in an emergency. A broken foot made it impossible for Uncle Otto to do the job then and has now decided that it is time at seventy-five to let Laddo take over for good. 

Laddo is twenty-one and has athetoid cerebral palsy. He has been riding since he was six and yearning to take over the job of St Martin since about the same time. Luckily he did not keep his ambition a secret so when it came for a change it was he who was the only possible choice.

We spoke on Thursday and spoke of our hopes of better weather than for his premier performance last year when it teemed with rain. I think it was Laddo who phoned me this evening leaving no message, probably wanting to report on his success. I have spoken to his mum this week so I know that he now takes on such roles without sleepless nights, and that Mum was not even there to watch as she had another appointment. It is all part of life now. All part of his and his family’s contribution to village life.

I have more such stories from the past few weeks when I get time to write them down, stories that are all about life and making the most of it, just as so many of my clients do.

Several of these clients have been in the lime-light these past few weeks and on one occasion they let me share it with them.

There will be more snippets of those stories if I get time at the weekend.


Saint Martin -

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