Saturday 24 December 2011

Christmas is a-coming

Better late than never

Christmas caught up with me but I have just about caught up with myself just in time to join my German family this evening with a sing-song around the Christmas tree and the traditional simple meal together. They have boiled white sausage and potatoes and, for the non-meat eater, there will be carrot soup!

Unfortunately I left the song-sheets at work!

One of my stroke clients printed for us lots of Christmas songs in large and clear script so that the group could sing loud and clear to the little ones last Thursday at their Advent’s celebrations. It all sounded all very jolly and quite professional especially when we were accompanied by one lady’s husband, on his mouth organ. The children were wide eyed and joined in with their jingle bells that another of the group had repaired, replacing the missing bells the day before.

Spontaneous decision making

Work finished yesterday with just me and Jolly Professor there at the end to un-decorate the tree. He decided quite spontaneously that he would take it to his Grandma on Christmas Eve morning, complete with the homemade decorations. Now there is a child who knows his Mum well! He was quite right to guess that she would pack the tree in the boot of the car with a smile and say: “What a great idea, Grandma will love it”.

With a family like his it is no wonder that Jolly Professor is doing so well.
As I watched his Mum’s reaction to hearing that the tree was going home complete with handmade ginger-biscuit decorations, and carried all alone to the car. I knew that my Mum would have done exactly the same and found a corner somewhere for the extra Christmas tree, brought home with such love and determination.

We had a lovely relaxing afternoon together painting, trying out a reading box, riding a walking/balance-bike and learning how to steer it, listening to Christmas songs and best of all chatting all afternoon. He has not done that for a long time, since our group doubled in size a year ago.

My spontaneous Christmas

Today I have to be ready to celebrate in a couple of hours, and I will be.

I was up early to finish the sweets and wrapped presents while talking to a friend who phoned me from New Zealand. Now I am making the final presents, necklaces, and in an hour I will be off on the tram to meet my German family at church to join with the children’s Christmas service.

What is more, at midnight I will come home on the tram too. How is that for service!

It is actually warm enough for the bike that is still not in the cellar, but I today I will put on some glad-rags instead of cycling gear, just for a change.


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