Wednesday 7 December 2011

Private view

My getting-big-littlies

When I was in Budpaest, nearly two weeks ago now, my getting-big-littlies went to a private view!

All dressed up to the nines they went off after school to a local bank ,for the opening of an exhibition of their, and others’, works of art.

I was so disappointed to miss this occasion, now the third exhibition of my clients’ artworks. It was the first that had press coverage and a proper flyer! And I missed it!

Take a look here and pick out a Christmas present for someone:

In the photographs above you can see on the title page of the flyer a painting by the eleven-year-old autistic child who draws and paints, bakes and plays with me and more,  every Tuesday afternoon. 

We are getting on so well these days that I will be soon writing a whole blog dedicated to our lovely sessions.

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