Sunday 4 December 2011

Second Advent Sunday

It is time that I at least have an idea as to what I shall be sending this year with my Christmas greetings.

Yesterday I was wondering when the inspiration would come.

Today when a friend phoned I did a bit of market research. This particular friend must have received at least thirty Susie-Christmas-greetings, so I asked him about his favourites.

He told me: “The decorations are nice” but added “They take you so long to make though”.

I know that many friends save these decorations that I have made to hang year-after-year on the ir Christmas tree. That is just what I do too with all the handmade greetings that I have received , while hanging them up I enjoy thinking about these special people. I put things on my tree that I received as a four-year-old and still remember with affection, fifty years on, the people who gave them to me. Many of the presents came from friends of my Grandmother.

So a decoration it will be

I think it will have to be a painted decoration as this is the quickest method for me.  I have already made a prototype and prepared for a few more to experiment with before I hit on the one for the production line.

I hope that I come up to scratch again this year!

I remember meeting an Auntie a many years ago, who has sadly since died. She told me that she always waited in anticipation for the arrival of my letter at Christmas time. The family would discuss what I would come up with next!

The joy that this Auntie showed in "my works of art" still motivates me to keep on creating, even though sometimes I would love to be one of those who chooses from tthe many lovely, but expensive,  greetings cards on sale in the shops.

I always hope to be inspired during my summer or autumn holiday, then I would have time to paint to my heart’s content. It never happens that way and often my last minute cards arrive long after Christmas. Last year many got delayed on route from Hong Kong!

This year I endeavour to get them in the post so that they arrive before the end of 2011, with time left to be hung on the tree!

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