Tuesday 21 February 2012

Little Henri II

"Butterfly", February 2012 by Barbaros, aged 6,

Just over a year ago I discovered Little Henri.

I wrote about him here:

and you can read more about him here:

Little Henri, who has Down’s syndrome, is in hospital at the moment. He has been undergoing tests today and on Thursday a big heart operation will be performed.

Despite the anxiety this is causing his family, Mum still found time to tell the readers of his blog the latest news by email. I was very touched this evening to find her correspondence and I wish them all well.

I was looking at his blog just last night and it is so hard to imagine from reading his recent news that it was not so long ago that this gorgeous little boy was in a conductive group learning how to walk, eat and many other things.

Conductive upbringing certainly is for all! 

Barbaros the "Butterfly, 2012" artist, has muscular dystrophy

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