Sunday 18 March 2012


Memories of Mum

 I was so lucky to have a Mum who collected. My Mum was lucky to have had a daughter who ,each time she is at home with her Dad, is thrilled with the treasures that they discover together. These treasures are carefully sorted and lovingly placed in an assortment of gorgeous old chocolate and writing-paper boxes.

There is one box filled with letters and telegrams sent on my parents’ wedding day, another filled with visiting cards that belonged to a rather weird and wonderful great aunt of mine, and another that is filled with home-made cards that I had given to my Mum during the first fifty years of my life.

Some of these were given to her on Mothering Sunday, you can see them in the pictures above.

Also in this box is a diary from 1957, the year that I was born. Each day of each month was blocked out in this diary, right up until the day on which I was born. Right next to the notice that says “Jennie’s first birthday”, (Jenny is my big sister), the time that I was born is penciled in: 06.35. On the following day it says “D-Day”, so obviously I arrived a few hours too early!

Mums and others

That is quite a special find in quite a special box! A two-pound Cadbury’s Milk Tray box that is sure to have been a present from my Dad. They were Mum’s favourite chocolates and only Dad ever bought them for her.

Of course I have been thinking about my own Mum today, but I have also been thinking about all those wonderful mums who I have got to know through my work. I would like to thank them for giving me the pleasure of knowing them and allowing me work with them and with their families.

I would like to thank them for allowing me the opportunity to share their journeys along their chosen paths to conductive lifestyles. Of course there are the dads too, and all the grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins who step in along the journey to help.

It really is a pleasure to have met all these mums and their families and it is really nice to have a special day in the year when we think about the roles that all mothers play in our lives.

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