Monday 14 May 2012

Spontaneous learning!

And hours of non-stop laughter

Little Princess has the most amazing new shoes.

No laces to tie, no Velcro to gather fluff till it does not work any more, just a button at the back to pull, or to push, then turn, so that the heel opens up, or closes!

This state-of-the-art technology does not stop her however from attempting to tie laces.

She and Jolly Prof. stole Évi’s shoes on Friday afternoon. While Jolly Prof. filled one with nuts Little Princess tied the laces of the other as tightly as she could.

What fun! Even Évi saw the funny side!


  1. 'Orthofunctional sponteneity', as product and process: your little story tells it rather better.

    Thanks, A.

  2. Évi and I were discussing this lovely experience again yesterday. We all love it when it works like it did on Friday. The children love it more than most as they believe that they distracted Évi from her planned afternoon programme! They did not notice that while they filled shoes with nuts and tied her shoelaces in knots that she had slipped away to find the “next naughty game” for them.

    The children have lived and learnt in conductive environments most of their lives, they have learnt to play and know how to be creative with their time most importantly they have learnt the skill, that most children do instinctively, to show others what it is that they wish to be doing.

    However tired they are these children always want to be doing something. Whether it is really active rushing around as on Friday or at a slightly slower place, or working at a table painting, sewing or paper-macheing, they know that any of the conductors will facilitate their creativity as well as we can.

    Yes this was very successful spontaneous orthofunction and it happened because the children featured in this posting know how to make the most of an unexpected afternoon when the rest of the children do not turn up for various reasons! And they know us well enough to know that if they use the time well we will allow them to take the lead.
