Monday 23 July 2012

'Orthofunctional spontaneity', as product and process

"No, it is not the Tour de France, that is me having fun in my last race in the Buda Hills,1992"

Yesterday Évi and I were discussing a lovely experience that we had a while ago on a jolly afternoon in the group. 

We all love it when work works out like it did on the day in question but the children love it more than we do because they believe that they have distracted Évi from her planned afternoon programme!

They did not notice that, while they filled her shoes with nuts and tied her shoelaces in knots, that she had slipped away to find the next ‘naughty game’ for them to play.

These children have lived and learnt in conductive environments most of their lives, they have learnt how to play but what is most important is that they want to play.

They know how to be creative with their time. They have learnt the skill that most children do without prompting. They have learnt how to show others, the conductors, their parents or friends, what it is that they wish to be doing. They have learnt how to guide others to help them in their learning processes just like other children do, spontaneously.

However tired they are, these children always want to be doing something. Whether it is being really active, rushing around doing things, or taking part in activities at a slightly slower pace, like working at a table painting, sewing or papier-maché-ing, they know that they have only to ask and then any of the conductors will facilitate their creativity as well as we can.

Yes, that afternoon what Évi and I were discussing was indeed successful spontaneous orthofunction at its very best and it happened because these children know how to make the most of an unexpected afternoon when the rest of the group, for a variety of reasons, just happened to not turn up! 

They know us well enough to know that if they use their time well we will allow them to take the lead and we are all bound to have lots of fun.


This story appeared as comments, in a dialogue with Andrew Sutton on a recent posting on my Conductor blog. I thought it was worth bringing it up for an airing here.

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