Wednesday 29 August 2012

A mine of information and always a really interesting read

"Creative moments", June 2012

I am using my little Netbook at the moment and for some reason my email in this account is set up differently from the version on my bigger laptop.
This is sometimes annoying as I have to scroll through a whole list of emails, all from one person, before I reach the next unopened mail. Then, having read that one, do the same for the next, and the next, and the next!
I know that there must be a simple explanation and a way to alter this and I am still clicking here, there and everywhere in the hope that one day I shall find it. (I am doing the same amount of clicking on the other computer in order to discover how to stop it reverting to red ink each time I press Send!)
On the Netbook I suspect that the reason that I have problems in finding what I need to click on is because the screen is small and the Netbook so slow that the full version does not appear. I soon get used to it and after a week I almost do not notice it anymore.
There is one great advantage of having a whole list of emails to scroll through. I am always reminded that I still have so much to read from one the blogs that I follow and value very much –
dean’s stroke musings,
Every day at just after midnight I receive an email that sends me the content of the latest posting on this site. I rarely delete these from my email account as this means that I have instant access to the information without being online and always have something to read. I can then make a note reminding myself to click on any links referred to in the postings that interest me most so that I can read more the next time that I get a good enough internet connection. 
Catching up
Catching up, that is what I have been doing this summer-holiday, camping-weather morning. Whether it is the cats-and-dogs rain that prevents good Internet access or being in the worst reception area in the city, (so the computer experts tell me), I do not know, but whatever the reason it has been nice to go through dean’s musings on stroke and pick out some interesting thing to catch up on the next time that a walk around Cyberspace is open to me.
As I have recommended before on this blog, take an occasional look at dean’s musings, it is well worth taking the time. 

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