Monday 24 September 2012

A taste of what’s to come

World Congress for Conductive Education, 2013

This congress is taking place in Munich next year to coincide with the famous Oktoberfest.

The local papers are full of it this morning reporting the start at the weekend of this year’s beer drinking celebrations, with the Lord Major of Munich opening the first barrel of beer.

I have just taken a look at today’s English newspapers and it seems that the Oktoberfest has hit the headlines there too.

In the Telegraph you can get a taste of what is to come if you choose to venture to Munich in 2013 and choose to include with the Congress experience that of the beer festival on the meadow too—

In the Telegraph you can get a taste of what is to come if you choose to venture to Munich in 2013 and choose to include with the Congress experience that of the beer festival on the meadow too—

With a stein of beer this year cost between 9.10 and 9.50 Euros it could prove to be a very expensive experience.


  1. Surely it is not the cost of the beer particularly that should concern potential participants.

    This will be most expensive week of the year in what I guess may already one of Europe's most expensive cities. What happens to the price of even the most basic accommodation that week? Indeed, just how easy might it be to find somewhere to stay at all. Does the situation this year offer a pointer?

    All in all, this does sound a most cavalier choice of dates to fix for this Congress in these impecunious times.


  2. Your posting alerted me to look at what is involved. I found the following site less than encouraging:

    The concluding sentence, if fair comment, is something that the Congress organisers should be proclaining NOW, in huge letters of fire:

    'Next year's Oktoberfest ( runs from September 22 to October 7 ... you need to book accommodation up to a year in advance.'

  3. I see that the Fest will finish formally on 7 October, and the Congress commences on 9 October. One has to hope that everything returns to normal smartly on 8 October, but the turn-around is tight. I presume that this has been taken into account, but your caution is timely. Thanks for alerting.
