Wednesday 5 September 2012

Just once in a Blue Moon - London 2012

'Its blue!'
The second full moon in August. 
August 31, 2012 by Susie Mallett

A Blue Moon event!

The Blue Moon did not appear orange as the first full moon of the month had –

 But it was not blue either!

I caught the first full moon on camera as I cycled home from work in Nürnberg on a gorgeous summer evening when the temperature was still about thirty degrees Celsius.

I was very lucky to catch a shot of the Blue Moon at all as it peeped out between the English rain-clouds on a very dark evening that had a distinct feel of autumn about it.

I have my fingers crossed for fairer weather for my less-than-once in a Blue-Moon trip to the Paralympics on Monday. My excitement mounts and it is lovely to be in the country, and occasionally in front of a television, to catch some of the Olympic excitement.

I can also get up to date with the names of athletes and various sports that are new to me so that I am a little more knowledgeable when I get off the 05.30 train from Norwich at Stratford and make my way to the Olympic Stadium. As I wrote most of this I read online that Oscar Pistorious had set a new 200 metres world record knocking almost one-and-a-half seconds off the old one but later he got beaten to silver medal position in the final.

I cannot wait to sit in that stadium and hear the roar of the crowds.

I cannot imagine when I will ever get the chance to attend a Paralympic Games again, at the moment Rio seems a long way away! So I will certainly make the most of my once-in-a-Blue-Moon experience on September 3, 2012. 


  1. I do hope that you got to the Paralympics and look forward to your writing about it.

    I have to admit to being disappointed that Conductive Education in the UK, for all its desperate need for public attention and understanding, has made no as yet apparent attempt(not that I have spotted, anyway) to capitalise either financially or conceptually from the enormous, universally favourable public interest and understanding around the Paralympic Games.

    What a gift, what a wasted opportunity.

    I suspect that, had these games been held over your way, Germans (and Austrians) would have been far less backward in coming forward and that some at least of those in konduktive Förderung would have seized the opportunity of pointing out the close analogies between konduktive pädagogie and all sorts of aspects of training for such games.

    Over to you...


  2. The Paralympics was one of the most memorable experiences I have ever had.
    I learnt so much and enjoyed discovering how people with a huge range of very different disabilities take part in different sports.

    The full report, of a very long and adventurous day, is in the process of being written. It is also needed for the info-letter at work in Nürnberg so it won't be too long now before it is finished!

    Of course, I have a great many photographs to choose from to illustrate it.

    I will answer your comments about CE and Paralympics on my blog.

    Watch this spot!
