Friday 30 November 2012

The benefits of cycling for Parkinson's, stroke and me

Me and Sis, 1959

Thanks again to Dean on deans’ stroke musings for the following link –

Dean is still working hard to get back to cycling after suffering a stroke and posts updates on his blog –

Dean has also recently linked to this story about cycling too –

As for my own bike, I am missing it very much as I have hardly ridden it at all these last few months. I have been feeling very tired and decided that it was not worth risking an accident by being inattentive in the early morning half-light, so I have been travelling on public transport. This means I have read more but missed the nature and fresh air and of course the exercise.
Although I am feeling a bit more alert now the snow began yesterday and the roads and cycle paths offer new dangers!

Perhaps there will be some sunny days in the Christmas hols on which to get out the bike and enjoy the fresh air.

Good luck to Dean with his practise sessions, that I suspect will also come to an end when the bad weather sets in, but will be renewed with great motivation in the spring, as I hope will happen with my cycling activity too.

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