Monday 29 April 2013

Abstract submission deadline

'Let me tell you a story 1985-style'

Last minute ideas

There is just one more day left before the abstract submission dead-line for the World Congress in Munich in October, so there is still time for a last minute idea.

I had my three abstracts all finished a month ago. I knew that I would get requests for help this week so I wanted my plate to be clear!

I have just sent the last one of five that I looked through back to the author for submission and one last one has just been lined up for tomorrow!

Helping hand

I have really enjoyed doing this finishing off work for my colleagues and am surprised that more people have not asked me. I hope this means that everyone feels confident with their English and not that there are fewer abstracts being submitted. I have the numbers 3, 20 and 49 on my three. I expect that there will be a rush of submissions tomorrow, let's hope that the computer network does not crash.

High expectations

I am sure that there will be enough submissions for the committee to choose from so that the 2013 congress-goers have an interesting selection to listen to. At 360 Euros pro-person I for one am looking forward to some high quality keynote speeches, presentations and discussions.

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