Monday 17 June 2013

It is hot!

Very hot!

I did not cycle home in the noon-day sun today because it was incredibly hot. Instead I remained at work and finished my preparations for next Sunday’s garden fête – we will be auctioning the chairs that the conductive department have created.

It was still hot when everyone else got in their cars to drive home so I decided to take a look in my work food store and I found enough to prepare myself dinner. I had a cup of tea afterwards to stretch the time a little more but at 19.00 I was ready to leave work behind me, jump on my bike and set off for home.

The heat hit me as I cycled across the field as I left the shade of the buildings.

I have no idea how hot it was in the heat of the noon-day sun but at 19.33 it was still 36° Celsius!

It was very hot.

I was happy to take a break to take the photograph at the café on the outskirts of the city.

Luckily I had left all the curtains closed this morning so I was welcomed home by a wonderfully cool flat. Maybe later tonight the temperature will drop enough for me to sit out on the balcony and enjoy the first warm summer night, at the moment it is twenty-two degrees indoors and thirty outside!

1 comment:

  1. Tropical, topical:
