Monday 15 July 2013

The World Congress for Conductive Education 2013 – Abstract Two

Preparations are getting under way all over the world
I do not have much more written down on paper than I had when I posted my first abstract here –
but there has been a lot of preparation going on in my head and I am just about ready to start setting some of it down on paper, or rather on electronic paper. The abstract below describes the presentation that I am about to get started on. I wrote most of it in my head while cycling to work on Tuesday morning, l hope that it is still saved somewhere in the grey matter. It think it might be time to work out whether my clever smart phone can also function as a Dictaphone so that all the thoughts that I have while cycling do not disappear, as they so often do when the pedalling stops.
I am convinced that it is the rhythm of my cycling that allows my thoughts to flow in such good order. I know that I could never speak in front of an audience without the paper on which I have previously ordered my thoughts. But on my bike I think, and sometimes also speak, loud and clearly about things that I have never even considered before. The imaginary presentation flows and flows and flows as long as I keep on cycling. As soon as I stop the presentation stops too and it is impossible for me to note it all down because once stationary it is forgotten.
Over the last few days I have been trying to recall all that I presented to the natural world around me about An inclusive conductive group for adults and today I will imagine as I sit on my balcony that I am pedalling away at my usual rhythm and I will see what appears on the computer screen.
When I have finished I am definitely going to find out whether I need an App to enable me to use my phone as a Dictaphone.
Abstract two
InBestForm: an inclusive conductive group for adults
Susie Mallett

Private practice,  Nürnberg
Background:  András Pető's philosophy of healing related to human ailments of any kind, physical and mental (Pető, 1965), being part of a wider personal philosophy of living (Maguire and Sutton, 2012). Like many conductors (Gombinsky, 2011) I have a found a place in my own lifestyle for conductive philosophy and living and considered that this would be of benefit to anyone else, not just those with motor disorders and other disabilities, but also those with no disabilities at all. I have run groups for children and adults diagnosed with autism and ADHD, I have helped own my family members in the past and considered courses for young people with anorexia, 'autisms', etc.

I have also wanted to reach out to people with no diagnosis at all, people in the local community, young mothers with their babies, elderly people, ultimately to anyone, to make people aware that it is possible to transform one's own physical and mental well-being, at whatever age, at whatever stage of life.

Methods: A pilot group included elderly people from the local community and people with a variety of physical disabilities and conditions, part of a wider project to integrate disabled and non-disabled adults in the local community. This group included clients with MS and strokes, and elderly people, some with arthritis and hip replacements (Mallett, 2013).

This presentation will introduce the pedagogic programme.

Results: The work was exciting and joyful for all concerned, myself, fellow conductor Jenő Lökkös, staff of the wider community project, and of course the group, enough to request an extended project in the spring. The ten-week programme began in July.

Discussion: Nürnberg's Association for Disabled People now has two integrated conductive Kindergartens and two integrated conductive crèches, and works closely with children included in mainstream schooling. This project offers possibilities for inclusive conductive practice in the adult years, with further implications for how conductors extend their work for people of all ages.

Maguire, G., Sutton, A. (eds) András Pető, Birmingham, CEP

Mallett, S. (2013) I love my work, Conductor, 21 March

Pető, A. (1965)  Unfug der Krankheit-Triumph der Heilkunst, Hanau/Main.Karl Schustek

1 comment:

  1. Lisa (Gombinsky) Roach has emailed me from New Zealand with this comment to be published on this posting. Thank you Lisa, it is so good to know that you are out there beavering away too, it means a lot to me to receive these words from you.

    Hi Susie - I don't know how you always time your postings so well, but once again your work is giving me the courage and confidence to continue to challenge boundaries in traditional CE and to continue to explore what CE potentially has to offer. I'm just settling in to my job at INRF and an opportunity has presented itself to look into running a group for people with Alzheimer's ... INRF has traditionally been, well very traditional, amazingly so with incredible success and I mean that with the utmost of respect for the work here. I made the contact with the Alzheimer's folks and immediately started to second guess myself but knowing that you are out there trail blazing makes me feel like I can too. And good on you for having the guts to take it to the wider CE community at the upcoming conference - thank you again my friend and my mentor - happy trail blazing

    Lisa x
