Sunday 22 September 2013

Autumn festivities

Autumn in Norwich September 2013

Spiders hanging about in last year's leeks

Early morning sunshine


It is less than two weeks until the conductive festivities begin in Munich, but the more famous Oktoberfest has already begun.  The peg was hammered into the first barrel of beer by the Lord Major of Munich this weekend and for the next two weeks the city will be swarming with people dressed in Trachten and Lederhosen as well as many tourists.

The number of tourists will probably be swollen by the braver amongst those taking part in the 8th World Conductive for Conductive Education.

The organisers of the Congress told us today, in a round-robin mail, that the number of people registered to attend is close to a record 600, so this posting is my bit of advertising towards the cause, perhaps the Oktoberfest will be just the thing to attract just a few more congress-goers.



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