Saturday 5 October 2013

Five sleeps till WCCE8, 2013

Jobs to do

Just four sleeps to go before we set off from Nürnberg and most of us still have many last-minute jobs to get finished, such as posters to collect – including reprints, hair to be dressed, cases to be packed, last-minute announcements to be translated, shoes to buy, flyers to print, shirts to iron or baby-sitters to be informed. All that I still have to cross off from my list are – pack suitcase, clean the flat, go shopping, get my books at the right place to be transported to Munich, send presentations to translators, get rid of my cough, and practise my speaking just enough not to go croaky.

I expected more last-minute checking of English for other presenters, but perhaps many are speaking in German.

It was still a good idea to be ready with my own productions early enough as I am not waiting for books from the printers  and I also have time to practise.

My two presentations in their individual folders, each about quite different aspects of conductive lifestyle, are lying on my living-room floor in front of my reading chair.

That is where they have been for the past few weeks as this is where I sit to read them in preparation for the Congress. This is where I add and subtract, and also practice speaking in English, something I do not do very often especially about conductive pedagogy and lifestyle

A friend and colleague listened to me last week in her office, gave me some tips and timed me. Spot on at thirteen minutes!

A week today the first of my presentations will be over, the presentation about integrative, conductive groups for disabled and non-disabled adults. This presentation describes a wonderful new project that I am involved in here in Nürnberg. When I have finished I will just have time to attend a couple of other sessions that I really want to hear and then change into ‘basic or elegant evening attire’ or national dress as asked for in the programme, for the opening dinner of the Congress.

It is going to be a busy three days for me. As well as my own three oral and poster presentations and a joint book presentation, I am also involved in a workshop presentation by George McDowell for whom I have published a book and where I will rush off to, just before lunch, immediately after speaking on Friday about another of my books. Before I speak on Friday I will be listening to the colleague, with whom I have worked with on the adult project, when he presents his research on adult rehabilitation.

At sometime on Friday I will take a stop for breath, there is a poster presentation in the afternoon where I have to be too! I have a feeling that on Friday I will not get time for much else apart from hearing Keynote speakers.

Since Christmas I have also been encouraging a young colleague, conductor Eszter, and one of our long-time clients, Franzi, in the production of their joint presentation on her conductive life. We will hear this on Saturday morning. I will rush straight from this to be present when the two young trainee conductors from NICE, Birmingham, who I mentioned here on my blog a few months ago, talk about what it takes to train an orthofunctional conductor! That really will need a sprint – Eszter and Franzi finish at the same time that the students are programmed to begin!

With such a full programme I expect there will be many people doing the same amount of rushing from room to room and as I was sorting out clothes and shoes today I wondered whether it would not be best to purchase a pair of jogging shoes. That really will be the very last job on Tuesday if I do decide that I need them!

Good luck to everyone with their own last-minute jobs, and I wish everyone safe journeys to Munich from all corners of the world. See you all soon.

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