Thursday 3 October 2013

WCCE 8 2013

Conductor Amanda Elliott's Speech and Communication Cards in German

More about what’s going on

I have received the German version of conductor Amanda Elliott’s wonderful Challenge Me! Speech and Communication Cards from the German publishers along with a pile of order forms. I have also received some order forms from Amanda for the English version of these and for her Mobility Cards. With any luck if the German version receives lots of orders the Mobility Cards will also be published in German.

What’s on sale?

These cards, with order forms, will be on display at the Congress on the stand of the Verein für Menschen mit Körperbehinderung e.V., alongside my three books (in German, English and Chinese) that will be on sale at 10 Euros each, and my colleague’s Conductive Cookery Book (English/German) also 10 Euros.

Amanda’s Cards

For quite some time now I have been successfully using the English versions of both sets of Amanda’s cards in my groups. The English cards are really good for the school children who are starting to learn English, they enjoy using them. For the six-year-olds in the Kindergarten group it does not matter that my cards are English as these children cannot read yet in German or in English.

Language learning

At the moment, as well as one or two German children, we have children in our groups who also speak French, Turkish, Arabic, Hungarian, Russian or Dutch at home. I expect that most of these children will be reading in more than one language and will all start learning English very early on in school life.

End of the day sing-song

What a joy it was, when we asked the children whether one of them would like to finish off the session by singing us a song that Mum or Dad sings with them at home, to hear the five-year-old Russian girl sing, in perfect tune, and with wonderful pronunciation, several verses of The Wheels of the Bus go Round-and-Round! We had actually expected a Russian song so to get a delightful performance of this popular English children’s song was a bonus to round off another lovely day at work, especially considering the difficult start that this child has had in her life. She is thriving in our Pető/Montessori integrated, international, Kindergarten.

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