Friday 1 November 2013

November Bank Holiday

Dusk at the South Cemetery in Nürnberg

My pine-cone pixie from Christmas 2012 and today's flowers hanging side-by-side

All Hallows' – The Day of the Dead

I wanted to get out of the house about lunchtime, the time when I knew there would be lots of people travelling on public transport to pay their respects to deceased loved ones in the cemeteries on all sides of the city.

But of course, by the time that I had breakfasted late, done the washing up, cleaned the floors and tidied away several piles of books, it was late afternoon. I was going to say getting dark but it was dark all day, that November greyness that arrived on this the first day of the month, after weeks of autumn sunshine.

Arriving at the cemetery I was glad that I had left it so late to take my flowers because, although the evening was getting cold, the atmosphere was lovely. This atmosphere was set by the red, twinkling graveside lanterns and the stillness that lay upon the place despite its many visitors.

After a sit on my favourite bench and a walk amongst the huge trees, to soak up a bit more of the atmosphere and to take a few photographs, I made my way home by tram.

An extra treat

I was delighted while waiting for the tram to hear an unfamiliar yet recognisable sound. This old-timer came trundling by with a private party taking place on board.  

Johannis Cemetery

Johannis Cemetery

I went for a walk last week in the most famous of Nürnberg’s cemeteries, the place where Albrecht Dürer, Adam Kraft, Veit Stoß  and other well known local people are buried. 

I try to go every year

I take roses for my old friend to share with my Mum –

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