Monday 25 November 2013

Winter is here!

It was still dark when I left the house but there was a sign of light in the sky. After five minutes on the tram there was already sun shining on the glass of the office blocks at the tram terminal. As I travelled out of town, past the airport and the market gardens the sun rose and cast long shadows of the trees lining the highway. There was just no opportunity from the bus to capture the wonderful effect that the light was having on the landscape and the still autumnal trees, but as I walked through the village from the bus I caught it on the village pond.

Walking to work from the bus stop at 08.10 this morning.Minus 3 and ice on the pond 

Sunshine at 8 am was a clear sign that when I left work at midday to let in the man to fix my heating I would have clear blue skies to accompany me home.


How right I was but I had not anticipated these wonderful, almost Norfolk-loike, skies. All that was missing were the vapour trails or a Battle of Britain formation of planes.
When walking back to the bus stop at midday it had not got much warmer!

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