Sunday 15 February 2015

Reading in the winter on the tram

'A glance out of the window as I read', Winter 2014

One of the things that I enjoy most about the winter is tucking my bike up for hibernation and buying a public transport ticket for the cold icy months. I enjoy doing this because it means I get ¾ hour in the morning and another ¾ of an hour in the evening to read!

With my Chekhov finished and the next book not yet begun, on Friday I had my current copy of Time magazine with me where I read about Carl Djerassi who died at the end of January, aged 91.

Reading his biography, where he is described as a Renaisance man – ‘an eminent professor, chemist and pioneering bio-medical entrepreneur … ‘he also wrote poetry, plays, and novels, collected important art, started a cattle range and established an artist’s residency program’, I thought about András Pető.

At only sixteen years of age Carl Djerassi emigrated from Austria to the USA where he wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt for help. It was her intervention that allowed him to attend university and begin on his successful journey through life.

What I wondered as I sat on the tram on Friday reading about some of the things that Carl Djerassi has given the world during his lifetime was – what if AP had chosen to emigrate to the USA from Austria rather than to return to his homeland of Hungary? What if AP had lived in America and had had someone intervene to help him start his journey through life in his chosen country? How would Conductive Education have developed had AP been in America with the support of grants and scholarships?

Who knows, but it could have been a different story.

You can read about Carl Djerassi here –

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