Tuesday 25 October 2016

Thought for the day

Lots of love and laughter in the rain at the seaside in 1968


James House, was a professor of communication and disorders from Wisconsin, USA. In 1968 he was interviewed by R.Mass after he had visited the Pető Institute, and an article was published in Ideas of Today, Vol 16. I was recently asked whether I had a copy of this article and I am pleased to say after delving deep into my boxed collection of papers and articles related to Conductive Education, I found it.

Here are a few snippets from what he said after his visit –

‘Love has not always been acknowledged in orthodox medical circles as the most potent healing factor. But fresh proof of its primary importance is afforded by the work of an institute in Budapest. Here children from the ages of 4-15 with cerebral palsy and other neuro-muscular disorders are helped to overcome their disabilities to a very remarkable degree.

He (James House) was deeply impressed. He found more progress being made with severely disabled children and in a shorter time than he has seen elsewhere. After an average period of two years at the institute the children go back home well on the road to the point where they can make a good contribution to society.

Dr House said he had never met happier children anywhere.

He was intrigued to hear that a brilliant and distinguished neurologist in Hungary has said that there is no neurological explanation for the successful work being done at the institute. To Professor House the explanation lies above all in the quality and spirit of the love that is given to the children, calling forth in them in their turn a wonderful spirit.’

“They might not agree with me but as far as I understand it, it is a love which must have a source outside and beyond the human in the infinite, the divine, the spiritual (whatever you care to call it), in an ever-operative Principle of love.”


Mass, R. (1968) Breakthrough in Budapest: an interview with James House. Ideas of Today, no. 16, pp.110-114

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